Launching of the logo

The air crackled with excitement as students, lectures, support-staff, principal and vice principal gathered in the college grounds to witness the unveiling of the logo for the Annual Sports Meet that was to be held the next day.

The anticipation was palpable as the unveiling ceremony began with a flourish, the new logo ‘ATLETISMO' was revealed drawing gasps of awe and appreciation from the audience. The new logo, a dynamic and modern design, incorporated elements that resonated with the college's core principles. It embodied the spirit of unity, collaboration and the pursuit of excellence.

The initiative to launch the logo was entirely taken by the students. After the unveiling the students celebrated the event with lots of fun, music and dance.

Annual Sports Day

The sports day was held on 8th December 2023, in the spacious campus grounds. Sr Rose Agnes AC, the Asst. Provincial Superior was the chief guest and Sr. Maria Smitha AC, Joint Secretary, St Ann's Institutions was the President of the event. Sisters from the Provincial house and St. Ann' convent, Heads of Campus Institutions, parents and ex-students were also present for the event.

The inaugural programme began with an invocation followed by a grace full welcome dance by the girls. The Principal welcomed the gathering. Parade inspection was conducted, and the platoon leaders of different classes introduced themselves to the Chief Guest and the judges of the march past-Mohini, Physical Education Teacher, St Ann's High School, Kartik K, Rosario High School, Safwan, Physical Director, Badriya PU College.

The march past by the students was an awe- inspiring spectacle- a symbol of unity, showing the synchronized movement and unwavering spirit.

The Chief Guest hoisted our College Flag and declared the Sports Meet open by releasing a huge bunch of colourful balloons.

Drill performance by the girls and Human Pyramid by the boys were the highlights of the inaugural ceremony. Sr Maria Smitha AC, the President of the day unveiled the trophies.

The torch- a symbol of harmony and goodwill, which represents the ideals of any games was carried by Anil, Sinchana, Bathish and Varsha- the star sportsmen and women of our college. The Oath was administered by the Sports Minister, Sinchana, to the students.

Founder prizes and prizes to the Toppers for the academic year 2022-23 were awarded to the students. Varsha, the swimming champion of the College, along with her parents was felicitated by the dignitaries.

The chief guest in her address congratulated the students for their active participation and excellence in the academics and wished them Good luck for the athletic events.

The inaugural ceremony concluded with the vote of thanks by the Vice Principal Anil Noronha. The programme was compered by Reena Almeida.

The finals of the Athletic events – 100 mtr, 200 mtr, 400mtr, 800mtrs 4 x100 mtrs relay were held on the day as the prelims were already conducted in the week.
The explosive energy and focused determination of the athletic events, filled the day with moments of triumph and sportsmanship. Winners were cheered on with thunderous applause and those who didn’t quite reach the finish line were embraced with encouragement and support.

The closing ceremony was held in the evening. Shri Vijay Kanchan, ASI Mangalore East PS, was the Chief Guest and Sr. Maria Smitha AC, Joint Secretary, St Ann’s Institutions, presided over the event. Vice Principal Anil Noronha welcomed the gathering and Suman Dsouza proposed the vote of thanks. The programme was compered by Helvin Menezes.

Merit prizes and prizes for Throw ball, Volleyball, Football, and Cricket were awarded to the students. Individual Championship award (girls) was won by Sinchana of 1st ESBA and Individual championship (boys) was won by Aaron Enoch Lobo of 1st EBAC. 2nd Science and 1st EBAC. Won the Runners up and 1st Science won the overall Championship award. The Chief Guest addressed the audience and applauded the students on their winning awards in different events. He also urged them to continue taking part in sports to keep physically fit.

Sports Day at St. Ann’s was more than just a competition, it was a celebration of the human spirit. It was a day where students learned valuable lessons about teamwork, perseverance and the importance of striving for excellence. It was a day where friendships were forged, bonds were strengthened and memories were made to last a lifetime.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the ground, the sports meet for this academic year came to a close. The air was filled with a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. The students , exhausted but exhilarated, continued with the mass dance celebrating the event with hearts full of pride and a renewed sense of community.

As the crowds dispersed and the field was cleared, the newly unveiled logo stood tall, a beacon of hope and promise. With the spirit of Sports Day still fresh in their hearts, the students look forward to a new chapter filled with challenges, triumphs and ever present pursuit of excellence.

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