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Welcome to St. Ann's PU College

The history of St. Ann’s as an educational institution goes back to 1859. The Apostolic Carmel has shaped its destiny for over a century and more, carrying out the vision of its great pioneer Mother Aloysia of hallowed memory. In 1964 a unique honour was conferred on the most outstanding schools of South Kanara District and St. Ann’s High School which was one among them was upgraded into Higher Secondary School. Even though the Higher Secondary Section was discontinued, to accommodate the pressing need for starting a women’s Junior College in Mangalore, the Management decided to open the Two year Pre – University Course with all the three disciplines - Science, Commerce and Arts in 1997.The torch of education lit in 1870 is still a living flame and the motto ‘EXCELSIOR’ indicates the goal - Always Higher, Always Greater and Always Nobler... more >>...

Awards & Achievements

Principal's Message

St. Ann’s P.U. College is completing 20 years St. Ann’s P.U. College is completing 20 years
The Congregation of the Apostolic Carmel is marching towards Sesquicentennial Jubilee (1868-2018) and St. Ann’s P.U. College is completing 20… more…

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Inaugural of 'UDAAN' 2024-25 Inaugural of 'UDAAN' 2024-25
The inaugural program of 'UDAAN 2024-25' was held on the 27th june in the College auditorium with great enthusiasm and… more…
Freshers' Day Freshers' Day
On the 22nd of June, St. Ann's PU College hosted a vibrant Freshers' Day program in the college auditorium… more…

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St. Ann’s P. U. College
Mangaluru – 575 001

Phone: 0824 - 2412658
E-Mail: [email protected]