Independence Day was celebrated on the 13th of August 2022 in the St Ann's PU college auditorium with great pride and enthusiasm.

Mr Umesh Karanat, the retired lecturer of St Ann's TTI was the chief guest for the day. Sr Marilda AC, Principal of the college and Mr Anil Noronha, Vice Principal were present on this proud occasion.

The program began with a prayer service followed by a welcome dance. Mrs Rolita D'Souza addressed the gathering and introduced the chief guest. 

"Har Ghar Tiranga" , a campaign under the aegis of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, undertaken by the Government, was highlighted through a PPT presentation.

A short skit on "Being Humane" was enacted by the students. A dance drama, dedicated to the Brave soldiers, who have sacrificed their lives for our country was performed, tugging the heartstrings of the audience.

A PowerPoint on the real Heroes, Achievements and Transformed India was presented making us proud of our motherland.

The chief guest in his address said that Independence Day is not a One day celebration but needs to be celebrated Everyday. He also emphasised the word "Swatantra" by giving its significance.

The program was compered by Aman Shifa and the vote of thanks was proposed by Khatija Mufeeda.

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